Sunday 2 June 2019


Kill Code: A Dystopian Science Fiction Novel,
Author: Clive Fleury, Publisher: Tck Publishing ( Dec. 2018), Paperback: 148 pages,  ISBN-10: 1-63161-056-2, ISBN-13: 978-1-63161-056-1, Price: Rs. 1202/=

This book is an unusual work of fiction, totally based on the fertile imagination of the author. All names and incidents etc. are fictitious. It is said to be a Dystopia novel, which means an imagined state or society, in which there is great suffering or injustice. In the beginning, one is unable to anticipate about the many terrible and terrifying events which follow. Catastrophe is said to be due to climate changes. Temperatures are high and turbulence in the ocean is terrible, leading to ocean water rising and creating havoc frequently. The world scenario appears to be dark, with poor economy and high unemployment. Therefore loss of a job may lead to loss of food and even to loss of life. The rich and corrupt become powerful, do not allow general people to come up and may even starve them and thus dictate and rule the world. In future, due to climate change & overpopulation, a large number of the inhabitants of the earth, may struggle to earn a living, scavenge for food from the waste of the rich & get oppressed by corrupt and rich people, since they feel that with the survival of starving people becoming a serious problem, it is easier to control the world.

The main narrator in this novel is Hogan Duran, who is a painstaking person. At first, he was in the army, then became a police person and then resigned. He too is one, struggling to earn a living and adding income by obtaining things free from the garbage. National Security Council (NSC) is an elite and secret special force, which was formed to protect the rich, privileged and powerful. Entrance into this force depends upon passing a series of potential deadly entrance tests. Added to the location is a rebel group known as Krails. Hogan gets an invitation for joining NSC along with others, for which all of them are subjected to several rigorous, challenging and deadly tests one after the other. If he clears the hard process of competition with other candidates, he is likely to be selected. Being a former police person, Hogan was hopeful to pass the tests based on his experience and thus improve his life. But the things are not that straight forward. He faces many difficulties, but keeps his integrity. The other characters in the novel are Captain Beecham and General Stoker of NSC, Ms. Ruby, who was also in Army, Jake etc. There are several incidents which cannot be forgotten easily, e.g. shooting of his friend Max Creeling, which led to his paralyzed leg and living on wheelchair. While being escorted back to the Base, they are attacked by Krails. But with the earlier experience in the Army, Duran and Ruby escape from Krails. General negotiates with Krails. Later on, Hogan and Max live in a small apartment. But ultimately Duran gets disappointed to observe that both NSC and Krails are together in enjoying wealth and power.

There are 21 Chapters in this book. In the end, Photo of the author and About the author have been provided, followed by “Connect with Clive Fleury”, “Other books by Clive”, “Get Book Discounts and Deals”, and “One last thing”. In the last note, the author is requesting readers to post brief comments/reviews on the relevant page of the book on Amazon. It is a relatively short, well written, thrilling science fiction novel. It has several combinations of climate change, injustice, survival, life threatening competitions, individual strength, feelings, simulation etc. While going through the book, it appears that the whole action drama is taking place in front of us. The characters are strong and clear cut, who play their parts well and action is adequately fast paced. The well thought out plot of the author has many catastrophic events having turns & surprises, against which the people must fight. It is interesting, entertaining and exciting and the reader gets engrossed into the incidents. The journey of reading this novel takes the reader on a futuristic ride. But question that arises is whether it is possible that such a position may arise in future on earth. This is the first book in the series of three being written by the author. The readers have to keep their fingers crossed, about the plots and nature and turn of the events in the next two books in the series. Concluding, it can be stated that this science novel will be found interesting and suitable by all those who like excitement and thrill.

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