Sunday 22 May 2022

THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD: How the planet’s best found their passion and never looked back


THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD: How the planet’s best found their passion and never looked back: Authors: Avi Arya, Raya Arya, Aviana Arya; Publisher: Happy Self Publishing, Pp. 464, Price: Rs.849/= (Paperback edition), Language-English, First edition 2021, ISBN 978-1-7376170-3-7


Success in life is achieved by only a fortunate few, who probably proceeded differently and navigated their efforts suitably, so as to get around or over the expected obstacles. But it is advisable to learn from the successful, experienced, senior and eminent persons and then take decisions, instead of making trials and errors. It is nice on the part of such persons to share their salient points for success. And in case such points for many successful persons can be provided at one place by somebody, it will be very helpful. That is what the present team of Daddy-daughters has exactly done. This team has travelled to several places in the world and used personalized micro-videos to meet and talk to several successful entrepreneurs in current era, about their ways of overcoming their difficulties in real life. Thus we can avoid repeating mistakes made by others in the past. This opportunity of learning has been obtained from the successful real-life internet/web heroes from different fields of profession. During this process, the authors themselves have also balanced work and family life. Broadly the book deals with the main point of answering the question “How to achieve success”. The authors highlight such best practices for starting a new venture or achieving higher growth of existing business, while maintaining availability of adequate time for the family.

After providing the publishing parameters, the book presents systematically organized Index, followed by Bon Voyage, The Backdrop. It has a total of 62 stories from different professions and countries, including the stories of the three authors themselves. Towards the end of the book, In parting, Acknowledgements, About the authors and Thank you have been provided. The book has some unique features. Every story in this book is presented in the form of questions-answers. The format of the interviews is Hero Introduction, The Success Kit, Not just Motivation, Exercise, Your light bulb moments. The number of the questions asked per story by all the interviewers together varies from 4 to 12, but mostly this varies between 5 and 8.  However, most of the questions for the Interviews have been asked by Avi. Several persons interviewed are young achievers of the age level 10, 15, 17, 19 years even. Every person interviewed is called as Hero.  After giving the name, the person is introduced in “Hero Introduction”. Main inspiring action points based on real life experiences are given as “The Success Kit”. The para titled “Not Just Motivation” gives a message from the interviewed person about starting online business. More details of the conversations with each of the experts can be learnt by listening to “Internet Moguls of the World” podcast on Spotify. Also for every story, the reader is required to complete an exercise containing some thought provoking questions, which vary between 2 to 5. This is followed by a page space for “Your light bulb moments” for writing about takeaways which appeal to us. References to some websites are given in 21 stories.  

Brief details from five randomly selected stories from this book are provided to give an idea of the input available to the readers. Story 7 presents the interview of Brad Lea; a leading authority on web based training and the Founder & CEO of Light Speed VT. He talks about first loving ourselves and striking balance between work and family life. We should prepare a solid introduction of our own and then involve through social media. Relationships have to be built with people but relationships come only when we offer something of value to others. We should also learn something or the other, daily. Story 29 presents the interview of Jeremy Ryan Slate. He has made a career on interviewing guests on his podcast, while also staying together with his family. Here the quality and number of interviews, different and interesting questions matter. We may not succeed at first but we should not give up. Things will improve with the use of internet power. We should improve our visibility, collaborate, use networking and keep learning with right tools and right people.  We have to start with a small step and build thereon with the help of homework, patience and creativity.

Story 38 presents the interview of Leslie Samuel for turning his passion into online business by blogging. He teaches people to build business with blogs. We have to decide what we want to do and for which type of audience and create the desired content.  We should create value and provide solutions to the problems through blogging. Collaboration, consistency, motivation, open mind, not giving up and continuously trying are required. Story 49 presents the interview of Rian Rao Narvekar, a 15 year old entrepreneur who tried several ideas especially for running small business. We should keep on thinking of business every minute, go in for what we are passionate about and create business e.g. reselling sneakers. We should build network, look for proper opportunity, assess where the market is likely and utilize social media platforms. We should have faith in ourselves, should not get demotivated, as things do change for better.   Story 60 presents the interview of Tim Schmoyer, who created a massive YouTube business to help others. The title and the first few seconds of the Video are important for the people and business to grow. We must learn and have a plan how to sell. We must decide on the topic of our passion. The people should have an emotional connection with our content. We should continue to learn while doing and also have patience.   

Title of the book creates a curiosity, to know as to who is an Internet Mogul. It is pleasing to read the book. The language in all the Chapters is easy to understand. Printing is excellent. The paper used for the book is of excellent quality. The cover design is attractive and appealing. The cover page and the back cover page have coloured photos, in groups of the interviewed persons, including the 3 authors. About the book (though not titled that way) and the opinion of five persons in brief have also been provided on the back cover page. The key author deserves high praise, in planning and organizing this project successfully and also for providing adequate opportunities to his daughters, whose contribution is highly commendable. It also conveys a message that if the family remains together as one unit and helps each other, a lot can be learnt, as well as done. With my earlier background of having taught “Entrepreneurship”, to the students of M.B.A., in a Management Institute in Jaipur during my earlier years, I found this book very useful. The book provides brief but adequate details of each of the Interviews. It is motivating for the readers to find essential points of advice and guidelines suiting to one’s field. We can make our plans for success, achieve our ambitions and reach high levels in life, including ways to progress in unfavourable situations.

Considering in an overall manner, this well organized resource book or a treasure house of ways and means for achieving success provides enough knowledge and guidelines from experts around the world for the benefit of both men and women at various age levels. I consider it as a useful, helpful and powerful tool-kit created after lot of effort. It will assist in learning world class standards in on-line marketing and in finding roadmap for the journey of entrepreneurs towards success in the digital field. It is also useful for those who find difficulty in work life-family life balancing.  Having the knowledge and adopting hard work and continuous learning, the book will indeed act as a catalyst for our journey and give a boost to our achievements and success. This wonderful book is highly recommended for early studying and examining the points for implementation to become successful in life. An excellent, informative, inspiring, well presented and must read guide book for all persons, especially for the existing and young and budding entrepreneurs.       

                                      ----------------Reviewer: vijaiksharma