Monday 14 October 2024

Happiness Mantra the new corporate currency

Happiness Mantra the new corporate currency, Authors: Prof. S P Garg, Ms. Shweta Malik, Edited by Riya Gote, Publisher:, Pp:228, Price: INR 390, Overseas $ 15, Language: English, First Edition: August 2024, ISBN:979-8-89498-580-0    

Happiness in personal life and in the workplace is a basic need of every human being. Success in the workplace is not the end, since what we need is a happy life. We all need work today and always, but we must work to get happiness along with it. In my vision, happiness is like a mirage. The Kasturi deer gets enchanted with the smell of Kasturi, runs here and there to ascertain its source, not knowing that it is contained in its own navel. We are constantly looking for happiness all around, though it is within us. This is true, at the personal level and for the corporate world. We become unhappy, for not being able to get happiness. People view happiness from different angles and with different parameters. There may be some factors which may be instrumental in causing our unhappiness. The beauty lies in achieving happiness despite such factors. We should learn from our own life, from the lives of other known people and successful celebrities. Many authors, Doctors and others have discussed and explored the mystery of happiness. But there is no ideal prescription yet, for happiness. We should also try to find ways and means ourselves to be happy in our life as well as make other human beings happy too. With this objective, the authors have ventured to bring out this excellent book as a treasure house of information, knowledge and experience based on the lives of other happy people and organizations. 

After the information about the publishing parameters, Preface, Acknowledgement, Brief about the authors, About the book, it presents Contents. The book has 16 Chapters. Towards the end of the book, Epilogue, Happiness Challenge, A note to self, A warm thank you, About the authors have been provided. The book contains 20+ case studies on corporate happiness strategies, insights from 100+ top corporates and leaders, 15+ mood-boosting activities and a 7-day happiness challenge to bring joy and success to the organization. Each Chapter of the book is purposeful. Chapter 2, “Unravelling the threads of corporate happiness”, states that corporate happiness includes well-being, satisfaction, and fulfilment of employees. It provides case studies of two companies in which surveys, interviews, and focus groups helped in transformation of the companies and cultural changes. Chapter 3 “How of Happiness” states that living with joy is an art. It gives examples of many organizations like Google, Zomato etc. who have adopted exemplary approach to employee happiness and built a culture of happiness. Some organizations have adopted mindfulness for happiness. It also describes an individual activity related to Ikigai, a Japanese concept. Chapter 9, “Success stories of happiness in organizations and Nations” discusses best practices and strategies and the role of technology. The practices followed in organizations like Akshya Patra Foundation, Goonj, etc. and those of some individuals, with a view to get happiness have been discussed in detail. Chapter 10 “Happiness: The new currency” states that happiness is becoming the hottest currency. It provides team discussions on work life balance, hybrid working, flexible schedules, moonlighting (side hustle culture), centralized communication, investing in employee’s health, upskilling, human and robot collaboration, and cultivating joy in workplace. Chapter 14 “Spreading Happiness through Leadership” states that Leaders can create and sustain cultures of happiness, provide ethical leadership and employee well-being. People leave Managers and not companies.

Before commencement of each of the Chapters, there is a relevant quotation of some celebrity. The Chapters have exercises, examples, details of activity, benefits, and what we derive. The language is easy to understand. The Quality of paper used, and the printing are both excellent. The Cover design is simple and colourful. The back cover page of the book has a brief description about the book along with the biodata of the two authors and the editor. Both the young and the experienced readers can find several useful guiding points about happiness. There is a lot to learn about being happy even in unfavourable situations.  It lays emphasis on the point that “Success is a journey. Not the destination.” Nothing is permanent in this world. Things come and go. A bad situation, and for that matter even a good situation will pass over. So, we should no doubt try our best, but happily accept with thanks, what God gives to us. We must develop our attitude, involve ourselves in other than work related activities and feel happy and spread happiness around. Every person must have had several occasions of unhappiness while trying to achieve happiness in his life. No one has had smooth sailing in his life. Considering in an overall manner, this book provides useful information, guidelines for the people and the corporate world to achieve happiness, for the entrepreneur, CEO, manager, youth, student etc. This book is helpful in the journey towards achieving corporate and personal happiness for ultimate improved results through increased productivity, fostering innovation, and attracting top talent. What is important is that we must study and make use of the contents of the book for our benefit. A comprehensive, excellent and must-read book.  

                                                             ---------Reviewer: vijaiksharma

Saturday 6 July 2024

द गोल्डन ड्यू ड्रॉप्स (सुनहरी ओस की बूंदें): दिल छू लेने वाली कविताओं का संग्रह,

 द गोल्डन ड्यू ड्रॉप्स (सुनहरी ओस की बूंदें): दिल छू लेने वाली कविताओं का संग्रह, 

संपादक: प्रोफेसर एसपी गर्ग, सुश्री नेहा शर्मा, श्री एनके शर्मा, डॉ. (सुश्री) मेघा शर्मा, प्रकाशक: मधुशाला प्रकाशन प्रा. लिमिटेड भरतपुर, (राज.), पृष्ठ: 205, मूल्य: रुपये 360, विदेशी: $15, भाषा: हिंदी और अंग्रेजी, पहला संस्करण: जनवरी 2024, आईएसबीएन:978-81-19357-37-6

इंसान अपनी भावनाओं को अलग-अलग तरीकों से व्यक्त करता रहा है, जिनमें से एक है कविताएं

लिखना। मेरी राय में यह अभिव्यक्ति का बहुत अच्छा माध्यम है. कुछ कविताएँ लिखने में माहिर होते हैं

तो कुछ कविताएँ लिख ही नहीं पाते। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि यह ईश्वर प्रदत्त उपहार है। ऐसे कई लोग हैं

जिन्होंने इस क्षेत्र में राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान बनाई है। इसके अलावा, ऐसे कई अवसर

होते हैं जब कवियों का दिन होता है। ये होली और दिवाली त्योहार, स्वतंत्रता दिवस, गणतंत्र दिवस आदि

हो सकते हैं। अधिकतर लोग कविताओं का आनंद लेते हैं। इसी तर्ज पर सोचते हुए इस पुस्तक में

प्रकाशन के लिए विभिन्न स्थानों के लोगों से, हिंदी और/या अंग्रेजी भाषा में किसी भी क्षेत्र के नए और

अनुभवी कवियों से कविताएँ आमंत्रित की गईं।

इस पुस्तक में बासठ कवियों ने हिंदी भाषा में और सत्रह कवियों ने अंग्रेजी भाषा में कविताएँ लिखी हैं।

कुछ कवियों ने दो-दो कविताएँ भी लिखी हैं। विशेष रूप से, योगदानकर्ता संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन,

सिंगापुर, युगांडा, आयरलैंड से हैं, और अधिकांश कवि भारत के विभिन्न राज्यों से हैं जैसे गुजरात, यूपी,

राजस्थान, महाराष्ट्र, हरियाणा, झारखंड, नई दिल्ली, तेलंगाना, बिहार, कर्नाटक और तमिलनाडु से। योगदान

देने वाले कवियों में नये, युवा कवियों के साथ-साथ अनुभवी एवं वरिष्ठ नागरिक कवि भी हैं। कुछ शिक्षा

क्षेत्र से हैं, और कुछ सामान्यज्ञ हैं। यह विविध क्षेत्रों के लोगों का उत्कृष्ट मिश्रण है। विषय भी विविध

और दिलचस्प हैं। 

पुस्तक की शुरुआत में, प्रकाशन मापदंडों के बाद, पुस्तक, संस्कृत में मंगलाचरण, हिंदी में NALS के बारे में

परिचय, फिर अंग्रेजी में NALS के बारे में, NALS की समयरेखा, योगदान देने वाले कवियों की 71 तस्वीरें

और हिंदी में संपादकीय प्रदान करती है। इसके बाद एक हिंदी कविता, भाव अभिव्यक्ति है। प्रोफेसर एसपी

गर्ग और सुश्री नेहा शर्मा ने हिंदी में अपना आभार व्यक्त किया है। फिर इसमें हिंदी में अनुक्रमणिका है,

जिसमें क्रम संख्या, लेखक का नाम और पृष्ठ संख्या दी गई है। पुस्तक के तीन खंड हैं (i) हिंदी खंड (ii)

अंग्रेजी खंड और (iii) संपादकीय टीम। पुस्तक, शुरुआत में पृष्ठ 1 से एक-एक करके हिंदी कविताएँ प्रदान

करती है और फिर पृष्ठ 155 से अंग्रेजी कविताएँ प्रदान करती है। पुस्तक के अंत में, यह एक हिंदी

कविता, अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में और दूसरी हिंदी कविता, अनुभूतियां के रूप में देती है। संपादकीय टीम के 

नाम हिंदी में दिए गए हैं और फिर संपादकीय टीम के 4 सदस्यों के बायोडाटा दिए गए हैं, दो अंग्रेजी में

और 2 हिंदी भाषा में। अंतिम पृष्ठ पर संस्कृत भाषा में शुभकामना संदेश दिया गया है।

ऐसी कई कविताएँ हैं जो मुझे पसंद आईं। प्रत्येक कविता अद्वितीय है. लेकिन उल्लेख करने के लिये 

कुछ कविताओं का ढूंढ़ निकालना कठिन है। कविताओं को कोई रेटिंग देना संभव नहीं है और वांछनीय

भी नहीं है, हालाँकि, कविताओं की गुणता बहुत अच्छी है। प्रेरणा के बारे में, चुने गए शब्दों के महत्व के

बारे में, पर्यावरण, समय, युवा पीढ़ी, इंसान, पापा, कविता की चोरी, सारी दुनिया की सैर, विज्ञान, रविवार को

छुट्टी, आँखें, माँ, जीवन की यात्रा, शिक्षक, नारी, राम राज्य, जीवन, प्रेम, मेरा परिवार, और खुशी आदि के

बारे में कविताएँ हैं। ऊपर जो कहा गया है उसके बावजूद, मैं पाठकों की जानकारी के लिए, पुस्तक की

शुरुआत में (ए) "भाव अभिव्यक्ति" से और पुस्तक के अंत की ओर (बी) " अभिव्यक्ति 

&quot से दो उद्धरण देना चाहता हूं। ये नीचे दिए गए हैं:

(ए) कविता से कविता जुड जाए,

भावों से मिल जाए भाव ।

मनों की दूरी मिट जाए,

बन जाए भव एक परिवार ॥

(बी) मन में आए भावों को तो हर कोई लिख नहीं पाता है,

वो कवि है जो अपनी पीड़ा को शब्दों में उतार पाता है।

पुस्तक का कवर डिज़ाइन आकर्षक और बहुरंगी है। उपयोग किए गए कागज की गुणता बहुत अच्छी है।

जहाँ आवश्यक है , कुछ शब्द और पैराग्राफ मोटे अक्षरों में मुद्रित किये गये हैं। प्रत्येक कविता को अच्छे

ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अधिकांश मामलों में, प्रारंभिक चरण में, हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कवि का

संक्षिप्त विवरण, जैसे नाम, शहर, देश, ईमेल आईडी और मोबाइल नंबर, कवि की फोटो के साथ दिया गया

है । कविता के साथ, हिंदी या अंग्रेजी भाषा में कवि का संक्षिप्त बायोडाटा भी दिया गया है । पुस्तक का

पिछला पृष्ठ, हिंदी में, पुस्तक के बारे में और अंग्रेजी भाषा में, न्यू एज लीडरशिप सक्सेस (एनएएलएस)

के बारे में विवरण प्रदान करता है।

पुस्तक में शामिल सभी कविताएँ बहुत अच्छी हैं और अलग-अलग विषयों और विचारों वाली हैं और

विभिन्न अवसरों के लिए उपयुक्त हैं। यह पुस्तक अनुभवी कवियों को पहचान दिलाने के साथ-साथ नये

उभरते कवियों को भी प्रेरित करती है। भले ही हमें कविताएं लिखना नहीं आता हो, फिर भी हमें तब तक

प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए, जब तक हमें सफलता न मिल जाए। इस संसार में कुछ भी स्थायी नहीं है,

यहाँ तक कि कविताएँ लिखने में हमारी असमर्थता भी नहीं। जीवन में किसी भी क्षेत्र में सफलता के लिए

हम दूसरों की कविताओं के योगदान से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं। हम अपनी कविताएँ लिखने के प्रयास

शुरू करने के लिए भी प्रेरित होंगे। समग्र दृष्टिकोण पर विचार करें तो, यह पुस्तक विभिन्न विषयों पर,

विभिन्न प्रकार की कविताएँ प्रदान करती है, पढ़ने में आनंददायक है और सभी आयु वर्ग के लोगों के

लिए उपयोगी है। यह हर किसी के लिए एक दिलचस्प पुस्तक है।


Friday 6 January 2023

Basic Armament Technology

Basic Armament Technology: Author and Publisher: Ravindra Nathan Vachali, Pp. 159, Price: Paperback Rs. 480/=, Language: English, First edition: July 2021, ISBN: Not mentioned, e-version: not mentioned.

           Defence of any country is the most important issue. If the nation survives, we all will survive. Sometimes offence is the best form of defence. Hence the country should be ever ready to face all such eventualities from the enemy and come out with full glory. We must build our strength of reliable self defence and make people aware of our strength, so that there is less likelihood of taking liberties for attacking our country. The means of fighting have been changing and will continue to change with passage of time. Hence the production units and the connected organizations have to keep pace with the changes taking place. Any armament when used will create destruction, damages and loss of lives, but there is no other option. Every country has to keep itself in readiness for offensive and/or defensive actions. Many times wars prolong for months and years. Even though armament is produced and stored in appropriate conditions but when the war starts, the consumption of armaments is very fast.

           Coming to technical aspects, the book, generally and broadly covers the basic aspects of the arms and ammunition field, along with the other connected areas. Broadly the range of topics included in the book are: initiators, boosters, primers and fuzes, shells, shots, cartridge case fixed and separate ammunition, mortars, mines and grenades, pyro techniques, signal cartridges, guns, recoil arresters, rockets, rocket launchers, recoilless guns and ammunition, small arms ammunition and weapons, mines, demolition charges, grenades, propellants and explosives, improved explosive devices, armoured vehicles and tanks, clouding and cluster ammunitions, preserving packages and storage magazines, age factor and life of the armament. The efficiency also depends on the conditions of storage. This is an important factor. All arms and ammunition and other items are manufactured for keeping them stored for several years and rarely for immediately being put to use in a war. Besides utilization in defence of the country, some items produced are also required for Police, Railways, Mining organizations, Civil trade for sporting purposes, for national and international shooting championships, exports etc. So it has a wide scope. The number and quantity of the items produced is substantially large. Chapter 1 of the book explains the basic and general terminology. Chapter 2 gives a history of development of the armaments starting from the stone as a weapon. Chapter 14 covers various types of bullets etc. in small arms ammunition. Chapter 19 talks about the functioning test for each batch of production. There are number of tests including actual functioning test on sample basis. Each Chapter of the book provides required information in brief.

             In the beginning of the book, the author provides “about the author”, with his photograph, Table of Contents and Preface. The back cover provides author’s photograph and “Disclaimer” with clear caution about the objective of writing the book and possible misuse of the information provided. There are in all 26 Chapters in the book, and all these provide appropriate information about the armament technology. The contents are elementary and basic in nature. The book has a total of 60 figures spread over 14 Chapters. The number of pages in each of the Chapters generally ranges between 2 to 11, but mostly around 5-6. There is no Dedication, Introduction, About the book, Subject index, List of abbreviations, Tables of data, Acknowledgements, etc.  The book cover design is appropriate to the subject of the book. The quality of the paper used is good. The purpose of writing this book is to apprise the general public of all age groups, including the young ones, of the technology, variety and stakes involved, importance of safety, quality control and storage conditions, including the testing at different stages as well as at the final stage, likely risks to those involved in production and connected activities. In all the fields there is continuous development, including in the armament field. However the present book does not offer the latest status for all the aspects.

         The author has taken considerable pains to collect the basic and relevant information, prepare the sketches and present in a proper order. This book is basically an awareness book, for the conventional weapons for the layman in general.   Detailed information about engineering, chemical, explosive and testing etc. is not given here. With this much information, it cannot be put to practical applications. Adequate intimation of caution has been given in the book, for this purpose. This will help the new comers to get an idea. Also it may motivate some of the young persons to think of joining organizations connected with production, quality control, safety, storage and utilization for defence of the country and other relevant areas, to serve their motherland through this means. This book is therefore suitable for such objectives.




Thursday 15 December 2022

Historicity of Padmini (The Maharani of Chittor)


Historicity of Padmini (The Maharani of Chittor), Author: Dr. (Ms.) Chandramani Singh and Mr. Surendra Bothara, Translator: Ashok Kumar Mohnot, Publisher: Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur and Rajasthani Granthagar, Jodhpur, Language: English, Pp: 245, Price: Rs.400/=, Year of publication: 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91446-16-1

As human beings we all are proud of, and love our motherland and our clan. In this respect the name of Maharani Padmini (Padmavati), wife of Rawal Ratnasen of Chittor is famous. Whenever we talk of patriotism and national devotion, name of Padmini comes forward. Her supreme sacrifice, that of her family and many others, is respectfully known, all over India and even outside. Instead of surrendering, they all chose “Jauhar”. i.e. laying down their life by self-desire. This is based on the historical research conducted by the historians. However, there are some differences in the minds of some people or historians as to whether such an event took place at all. Some say that there is no such character like Padmini in History and that it is only an imagination of the writer.  

Any historical research needs hard work, unbiased, dispassionate analysis and brainstorming to arrive at the reality.  Also the historians themselves have different approaches and views. The required and confirmed details are generally not available easily and are not in a proper arranged manner. Muslim historians are said to have been scared of Alauddin Khilji and it appears that they have not written clearly. Col. Todd has contributed a lot through his book “Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan”. He has mentioned about Padmini. But he left India in between and worked from England. But there are various ways to arrive at the truth. We should allow some independent researchers to work and also give them due importance. We should examine folk literature; folk arts, traditions etc., find out the links, join the links and arrive at the reality. It is understood that established historians Shyamal das and Gauri shankar Hira chand Ojha have contributed a lot in this case. Also the historians of Rajasthan have collected the information about the parental family of Padmini.       

“Padmini Charitra Chaupai” by Bhanwar Lal Nahta,  was written around 14th century, that is 50 to 70 years after the event or 157-187 years before Malik Mohammed Jayasi. In the opinion of Shri  Lal chand Bhagwan das Gandhi, it is of 15 th century but in the opinion of  Shri Agarchand Nahata it is of 16th century. Shri Narayan das wrote his composition viz. Chittai Charit in 1526 AD, which gives some references of Chittor, Padmini, Ratansen and Alauddin. Malik Mohammed Jayasi wrote in the form of poetry around the year 1540 AD, that is 237 years after the event. He had chosen this popular story, based on the historical events and the main characters viz. Padmawati, Ratansen, Alauddin, Raghav Chetan and Gora Badal. Since the characters in the story of Jayasi are historical and beyond dispute, then to choose one character and call it non-historical is beyond comprehension. Under some pressure, the historians forgot that Padmawati is the heroine of the story. During that period, except for the orders of the King, all other communications were said to be by oral means only, whether personally or through a messenger. So there could be mistakes and/or confusions in the details. However, any effort to disown such main historical events and characters is not justified, just on the basis of opinion, arguments and counter-arguments.  This event was also popular in South India and scripts were written in south also. The writer of Padmavat was a Sufi, so this book generated a demand in the Muslim families also. It is understood that they had kept Padmavat book properly, with honour. In the beginning of twentieth century, many scripts were written on Padmini and Maharana Pratap for their bravery. Also one drama was written & staged also, and a film was made on the historical events of Rajasthan.

The events of Padmavati got into limelight recently, due to the difficulty in clearance of a film on Padmavati, by the Film Censor Board.  The senior author was invited by this Board to see the film at Mumbai and advice about its release. A few other authorities were also invited for this purpose, who also gave their advice to the Film Censor Board. Ultimately the film was cleared for release.

In the beginning of the book, Preface has been written by Shri D R Mehta, Founder and Chief Patron, Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur, detailed Background by the authors and then Contents. There are seven Chapters in the book. These are: History of Padmini, Attack by Allauddin and Jauhar by Padmini, Chittor and sacrifice of Rawal Ratnsen (Ratnsingh) in literature,  Persons of the two sides, Attack on Chittor and Historians, The story of Padmawat, Padmawat in the world of the Art.

In Chapter 2, “Attack by Alauddin and Jauhar by Padmini” the authors describe the family details of Alauddin, his qualities especially in warfare and his ambitions etc. Initially, he chose to attack Chittor, for its strategic importance. The war was fought during 28 th January 1303 to 26 th August 1303. Having lost all hopes, the Rajput menfolk embraced SAKA and the women committed Jauhar. When Alauddin entered the fort, there was nothing except the deserted fort. The authors also give details of Padmini and Rawal Ratnasen. These events appear to have been initiated by a tantric Raghav Chetan. Subsequent events like capture of Ratnasen, obtaining his release, subsequent attacks etc. are described by the authors. But the bravery of the persons at that time for devotion and sacrifice for the nation is beyond comparison.

Towards the end of the book, the authors have provided 14 Appendices, list of 30 reference books and 11 essays and articles. The book has a colourful cover design, which is considered appropriate for the subject of the book. The back cover of the book provides “About the book”, though not written so.  The flaps of the cover of the book, give the photos and brief details of the authors and the translator.  The quality of paper used is good. The book provides 25 photos of the relevant paintings. This book is basically useful for the people of India in general and especially for the students of history, to make them aware of the various aspects of the events connected with Padmini. At the same time it is relevant for the students and other interested readers, including those from the foreign countries who do not have much knowledge about the events and would like to be enlightened about the same. Credit goes to the two authors for devoting time for study, research and then coming out with this book, along with the relevant references, evidences for the benefit of the readers, to make the matters clear  In my opinion, considering in an overall way, it is an excellent book for awareness, understanding, and usefulness for people of various age levels.                                                                                              



Monday 12 December 2022

The School Journey (Refresh Your Childhood)


The School Journey (Refresh Your Childhood), Author and Publisher: Dhanush.S, Pp. print version: 162, e version: 251, Price: Hard cover:$15, Paperback : $8, e version: not mentioned,  Language: English, First edition: Nov 2022, ISBN: Hard cover:979-8362388959, Paperback:979-8362387617, e version:  not mentioned,

Everybody will agree that for every human being, the stress free, interesting and best part of the life is during the school days. The students enjoy and learn many things from teachers, parents, senior students, class mates and others. Generally there are no vested interests, with some exceptions. Lifelong friendship is built with many students and teachers. These lead to mutual help and assistance in times of difficulty. In several cases, these lead to family contacts and relationships also. If one were to record these events, occurring in the childhood, it would become a book. This book has been written by the author based on his observations, dealings and feelings, but all the incidents and narrations are said to be imaginary, though the emotions are said to be real. The author narrates various stories in the school life and childhood days through his young friend Digvijay, who is 21 years of age. The excitement and emotions especially on the first day of the school, meeting the first friend and other friends, misunderstandings and fights with friends, having first ever crush, love of the parents and the family etc. have been narrated, as many children will have similar stories.

I have read the e version of the Book, hence my comments are based on the e-version. However, I have seen the photo of the cover of the book, in the email communication of the author and also seen the posts on social media. The cover design of the book is appropriate, attractive and appealing. Large and bold print has been used in the e version. But I cannot comment about the quality of paper used and the details on the back cover page etc. After providing the normal details of publications, title page and Contents etc., it gives a disclaimer. Towards the end of the book it provides “about the author”, who is a 18 year old teenager from Bangalore. The Contents of the book have been divided as follows: (a) Welcome to the fun world of “Primary” (b) The Roller-Coaster Duel ©My New World (d) My New World – Part 2 (e) The Exam Bonanza (f) The Village Fun.

The book starts with Digvijay’s preparing for going to the school for the first time. In the roller coaster duel, he describes the crowd in the school. He joins Pre-Nursery-B. He meets Bhavana her class friend. He has a feeling of crush on her. They dance together in a programme. Then Ram joins the school. They become friends. Later parents of Bhavana change her school. They both feel bad about it. Bhavana leaves the school. He talks of large playgrounds, sliding gates of school, parking area for school buses, large class rooms etc.  He celebrates his roller coaster birthday. He has a dream where he holds Bhavana’s hand.  Then mention is made of the graduation day. Digvijay completes Primary with Ram. Another girl joins the school, but her name is Bhavana too, though a different person. They talk and discuss about the lost ring of friendship. There is an incident of UNO smash. In the new world part 2, the fun trip with family has been described in detail. Here there are 2 instances depicting innocence of the children. The first part of the trip is to Mumbai and the second part is to Hyderabad. In Mumbai he gets an idea about the Dalal Street, besides visit to the caves. In Hyderabad, they visit Ramoji Rao Film city. Later, there is some problem in the examinations. The family decides to go to their village by train. He visits the big farmland of his grand-father and also visits the temple.

The young author, who is studying in 12th standard, has taken the initiative to write this book with the objective of sharing the experience and stories of the schooldays, refresh the childhood days for everyone and thus bring a smile on their faces. The author has narrated even the small events, happenings in the home and school, in a detailed manner. However, there are several learning observations/points from this book e.g. (a) Never judge a person just by his actions. (b) Never assume anything before analyzing any situation. (c)Ladies generally take more time for shopping. (d) Never show off in front of others. (e) Never depend on anyone. It is our life and we have to move alone. (f) Laugh at our own silly behaviour. (g) Family is more important. It gives full support in times of difficulty. (h) For a child the world is beautiful and his feelings are innocent.        

But there are a few mistakes of incompleteness/spelling/grammar etc. in the text of the book. Name of the caves near Mumbai has been written wrongly. Large size print has been used in the e version. A lot of Hindi words have been used in the script of this book. However, the book is an interesting read. One is curious to go through it, since firstly it has been written by a teenager and secondly because it enables each one of us to relive our school life days once again. It also motivates other children to write a book on a topic of their own choice or venture into any other field to make an achievement in the early stages of life. The present book is author’s first book. It is of interest to the young children to get knowledge, experience and motivation and to the people in other age groups, to relive their school days once again. We should celebrate our Childhood through "The School Journey" of Digvijay. But the best part is that Digvijay will continue with his stories further.


Friday 9 December 2022

Rhythm of Life: (A poetic rendition of the Bhagavad Gita)

Rhythm of Life: (A poetic rendition of the Bhagavad Gita), Author: Baroruchi Mishra, Publisher:, Language: English, Pp: 176, Price: Rs. 555/=, Year of publication: 2021, Reprint 2022, ISBN: 978-1-68563-959-4 (Hard case), 979-8-88503-166-0 (Paperback),

Gita as a book is an important, well-known and most appropriate book so far, to guide us for dealing with the problems of life. Gita has 18 Chapters and each one has its own importance. Every chapter in Gita is the main chapter. There are three sections. The first six chapters are about karma, next six chapters are about bhakti and the final six chapters are about jnana. But as per each Chapter, bhakti is the best. It is essentially the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. There are many works on Gita. In his passion for poetry, the author has rendered all the Chapters in the form of poetry but it is not just a simple translation or conversion.  This work, exploring the truth, involves intellect and spiritual awareness. In the book, presenting in a different and novel way, the author first gives brief commentary on each of the Chapters and then provides the poetic rendition. In my opinion, it is preferable to read both, in sequence, for each Chapter.

      Chapter 1 starts with the scene of the battlefield of Kurukshetra, wherein Pandavas and the Kauravas are locked in the fight for the kingdom, which was taken by the Kauravas by unfair means. Arjuna is the main warrior of the Pandavas, but he is unwilling to fight and kill his cousins and relatives. Lord Krishna as the charioteer of Arjuna, counsels him about this fight. A famous part of Gita, is Chapter 2, Verse 47, which reads as follows: (Quote) karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchana,  mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo ’stvakarmaṇi. (Unquote). Its meaning is: You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction. However, in his poetic way, the author describes it as: (Quote) Only to work is your right, To their rewards, not quite.  Nor fruits of action be your motive in the slight, Neither inaction should ever become your rite.#47 (Unquote).  Chapter 14 is a famous Chapter of Gita and it describes the way to attain God.  The last Chapter i.e. number 18, covers the concepts of renunciation of actions, desires and the best form is detachment. Actions should be for purifying the soul. Arjuna is finally convinced, has no doubts and is more inclined to pick up the weapons and fight.

          In the beginning of the book, the author has given Dedication, Contents, Foreword by the famous Swami Avdheshanand Giri and Introduction. Towards the end of the book, Name Index and Subject Index have been provided. The back cover gives few details as “About the author” besides the details of the conversation between the author and one of his friends, about making the people aware about Gita, in a proper way. The book has been printed on good quality paper and has a colourful and appealing cover design. The fact that the book had a reprint in a year of its first publication, and has a Foreword by a well-known and high level spiritual authority, speaks volumes of the quality of this book and the response it received from the public in general. The book is basically and specifically useful for the people having a spiritual background to improve their understanding of Gita, but at the same time, it is useful for those who do not have much knowledge about this great book and would like to be enlightened about it. In this respect, it is very relevant for the school and college students, besides the other interested readers, including those from the foreign countries. Being in the poetic version, it is an added advantage to the readers. Credit goes to the author for providing such a version for the benefit of the readers. It is up to us, to take its advantage. In my opinion, considering in an overall way, it is an excellent book for understanding, usefulness and enjoyment for people of various age levels.



Friday 16 September 2022

The Wisest Owl: (Be your own Financial Planner)


The Wisest Owl: (Be your own Financial Planner), Publisher: Penguin Business (An imprint of Penguin Random House), Author: Anupam Gupta, pp: 176, Price: not given, Language: English, E-book, Publ. 2022, ISBN: 9780143455905

Planning of financial investments is a topic in which normally everyone is interested. But it is not so simple a subject. There is uncertainty of various factors and in that condition only, we have to firm up our objectives and requirements, over a long period and take decisions, based on our study, experience, assessment and advice of specialists etc. People in general are rather afraid that the results of the investment may not be beneficial. Every investor wants and aims at gains, irrespective of any factor. But no one can guarantee 100% success in all matters.  

The present book shares with the readers, knowledge and varied experience of the author on the various related matters.  He has also provided the benefit of several other specialists for the readers.  But the author has given a word of caution. He has stated that this book is for education and information only and the investor should study himself and take decisions suitably. The book has six Chapters in all. Their titles are A Brave New World, Kal, Aaj Aur Kal, How Fintechs Changed Personal Finance, The FIRE Dream, A Framework for the Future and Checklists for My Money. At the end of each Chapter, the author has provided the perspectives of one adviser. Thus it has given the perspectives of advice of six Advisers. These advisers have been carefully chosen by the author based on their experience and standing. Their names are Dilshad Billimoria, Harsh Roongta, Lovaii Navlakhi, Melvin Joseph, Suresh Sadagopan, Vishal and Shalini Dhawan. The author has conducted surveys, organized interviews, obtained help from various persons in the field for the Chapters of this book and he has taken care to mention their names. He has also mentioned names of several organizations involved in this work.

As an example, I have chosen Chapter six “Checklists for my Money” for discussion.  It gives some tips for personal finance. There is a Check list of 8 basic financial products with general guidelines and fine print for each one. There are 2 lists, one of 22 questions which one should ask before committing to an investment and the other, a list of 11 questions one should ask before hiring a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). The author discusses a sample financial plan, along with its basics.  It gives two Case studies. For the first one, Financial freedom by Forty, it gives calculations of expenses in say 2037 (after inflation) and estimates of the Corpus required at age 45  (2037-2082). For second Case study, Retirement at age 65, it gives calculations of expenses in the year 2052 (after inflation) and estimates the Corpus required at age 40 till 85 (2052-2072). Of course certain assumptions are made for these calculations. Further in the Adviser’s Perspectives for this Chapter, they say that all steps should be for adding client’s finances and time to their client life. Other points discussed here are financial planning for women, misconceptions of financial planning, starting for a beginner, basic financial products to be considered by all, Stocks vs. MFs, Active vs. Passive, FDs and Debt funds and questions for choosing a financial adviser.

The beginning of the book provides About the author, About the book including disclaimer, Dedication to the full family of the author, followed by 2 quotations. Next are the Contents page & a lengthy Foreword by Shri Saurabh Mukherjea, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Marcellus Investment Managers, Mumbai.  This is followed by Preface, which gives methodology followed in the book. I have read the e version of the book. Hence I cannot comment about the printed version, if any, brought out by the author, especially about the cover page design, quality of printing & paper used, About the book and About the author on the back cover page, printing errors etc. Towards the end of the book, the author has given Acknowledgements, Notes and References. In 49 links, Notes give, information about sources etc. , Preface & Chapter wise for Chapters 1,2,3,4 and also for Adviser Perspectives for Chapters 2 & 4. Further a total of 77 References are given for Foreword & Chapter 1 to 5.

I am also an investor like any other common investor. So I read the book with interest, from that point of view. Also learning is a continuous process. It is very difficult for anyone to give an exact advice or option in this matter. Things keep changing from time to time. Final decision has to be taken by the investor based on his own needs, knowledge and advice of the Adviser. People appear to be now shifting to Stocks and MFs, with active or passive investing, in place of Real Estate and Gold. We should make a realistic assessment of our needs, educate ourselves to improve our knowledge and experience and obtain sound advice from qualified and authorized Advisers. Thing should be done carefully and step by step. In my opinion, this interesting book will be helpful to all of us in educating us about the process of investment, for subsequent implementation and also sharing the knowledge with others.  It is an excellent and very useful book for everyone.
